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  1. R

    iPhone 12 disappearing messages

    hi, i am having an issue with texts/imessage disappearing as soon as i've sent them. Is it an indication that this person has blocked me? The time stamps remain but the sent messages disappear a second after i hit send and they've visible in the message thread. My storage isnt full, imessages...
  2. L

    Vanish - Hide/Close inactive apps

    Hello! I've made an inactive apps manager app called Vanish. Vanish can hide or close inactive apps after a set period of time. You can set the option to hide or close for each individual app and you can disable hiding/closing for each app as well. Vanish can also close apps after closing the...
  3. C

    Safari — page elements vanish

    Hello, When we use Safari (12.1.1) to access, a portion of the page (Portfolio News) loads as it should, but once we scroll down— it vanishes. All of the Portfolio News headlines (links) disappear. You can see a video of it here: When the...