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video playback

  1. Calaveras

    blank video but sound, since updating to 15.4.1

    The return of the video blank but you can hear it issue. Previously there was a workaround of going into Safari settings and disabling GPU. But that super helpful setting option is gone now. At least on my phone. Full detail; Iphone 7+ IOS 15.4.1 Video worked in Safari before the update. But not...
  2. S

    IINA Video Playback Buffering Issues - youtube-dl ?

    Hey there! I'm reaching out for some assistance in troubleshooting the IINA video player. I can't find the answers I'm looking for using google, so hopefully, here I can find a solution. I love the IINA video app but I'm struggling to have it playback video streams from...
  3. bogdanw

    Safari 13.0.5 doesn't play certain videos

    I don't usually use Twitter, but I just noticed that Safari gives the error message "The media could not be played." when trying to play a video. Here's an example It works with the user agent set to Firefox - macOS. Another error message is "Error loading this...
  4. K

    Video color correction (system wide)

    Hello, is there any software (or utility) that will allow for realtime color correction, saturation, brightness and similar adjustment for any video that Mac OS play (regardless of software)? Example: I would like to color correct video that I am watching in Safari. I do remember that...
  5. N

    Videos are crooked in safari on macOS 10.13.4 and safari 11.1

    When watching a video on youtube of other streaming sites, once the video controls disappear after a few seconds, the entire video becomes skewed to the side and crooked. I tried to screenshot it but the screen shot showed a straight video the way it should have been! I therefore had to take a...
  6. C

    Battery life when playing local 1080p video from SSD

    Hi all, So I am considering moving from Windows to a MacBook Pro 15, my question is how long does the battery last playing local 1080p video. With my Dell Xps I was getting about 7 hours of local video at 40% brightness which was more than bright enough when watching movies on transatlantic...
  7. JulianBlau

    Macbook Pro 13" Gamma/Contrast shift, when in Fullscreen Video. (Only Safari and QuickTime)

    Hey there, As the tittle says, i have a pretty ugly problem with QuickTime Player and Safari. It is as follow: I open a video of any type in either QuickTime or Safari (YouTube, Vimeo). As soon as i go Full-Screen, it immediately changes the Contrast (or Gamma). Blacks start to get crushed...