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  1. PowerPCFan

    Windows XP on an iMac?

    I want to run Windows XP in a virtual machine on my iMac (late 2015 21.5” iMac) but I don’t know what VM to use. I would run it natively but I don’t have an old pc that can run XP. Please don’t reply “use boot camp,” I know that might work but I can’t do that, I just want to run XP inside of...
  2. alex_free

    12/26/2021 - WinXP_Python-3.6.15 : The Latest Python 3.6.x For Windows XP SP3

    WinXP_Python-3.6.15 is my fork of Python 3.6.15 that is compatible with the last version of Cygwin for Windows XP SP3. I even tested compiling with a patched-up openssl-1.1.1m (latest 1.1.x branch) and it worked for youtube-dlp.
  3. Carl Jón Denbow

    MacBook Air Late 2010, with Snow Leopard & WinXP Bootcamp, upgrade possibilities

    I've just installed snow leopard on a Late 2010 MBA with 4 gig RAM. I did this so that I could install WinXP in Bootcamp. Now my question: what's the newest OS that I can update to that will preserve my WinXP bootcamp? Thanks for any information you can provide. -- Carl
  4. bobesch

    VirtualPC 7 fails in getting network access

    Today I had another try to get my VirtualPC7 and WinXP-Fundamental running properly, but still there's the problem to gain network access, since the "network switch" doesn't seem work (VPC7, PowerBookG4, Leopard). I'd like to use VPC7/WinXP with "Shrew Soft VPN Client" and "MS RDP-Client v.6" to...