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macrumors 68030
May 7, 2002
2 Much Infinite Loops
Lacero said:
No big deal. The cellphone companies keep recorded phone messages plus all phonebook and data/photo entries in a large database. AOL has been keeping a record for years, they are just now telling you they are waiving your privacy.

wha? this isn't true, is it?


macrumors 68030
May 7, 2002
2 Much Infinite Loops
narco said:
Man, iSight conversations would be scary! So basically, they can watch the video any time they want -- and you know like, 50% of the people who own webcams use them for nudity.

this is off-topic, but... i use my isight to talk to clients and sometimes, i would really want the chance to protocol the meetings. is there a way to save the videos for review and protocol?


macrumors newbie
Mar 26, 2005
I need an aim profile link spy!

can anyone hook me up or direct me to an aim profile spy? windows has that imchaos junk that lets aim users see who visits their profile or clicks a link in their profile, and how many times each person has visited.....

does aim for mac have anything like this?

i cant find a thing....and i want to know who the frick is looking at my aim profile and clicking my links

thanks ya'lls

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