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macrumors 68020
Feb 17, 2017
It wasn’t only the iBooks. I’ve come across a few 15 and 17 inch PowerBook G4’s which had the same stale sweat smell as the iBook G3.
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macrumors G3
May 3, 2014
It wasn’t only the iBooks. I’ve come across a few 15 and 17 inch PowerBook G4’s which had the same stale sweat smell as the iBook G3.

I've gotten faint whiffs of it even on computers as late as '08 MBPs.

The snow iBook G3s are definitely the worse, but a lot of Apple laptops through the first part of the 2000s seemed to have some trace of smell.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 12, 2018
I've gotten faint whiffs of it even on computers as late as '08 MBPs.

The snow iBook G3s are definitely the worse, but a lot of Apple laptops through the first part of the 2000s seemed to have some trace of smell.
I always assumed it was just the iBook G3 models. Did Apple officially have a solution or repair program for their MacBooks that stank?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 12, 2018
Can we please get back to the G3 mini concept?
I am dying to get some more details on it!
Can't decide between a G3 Cube or G3 mini, Ill let everyone here take a vote.

i've got a design concept for both already.
It wasn’t only the iBooks. I’ve come across a few 15 and 17 inch PowerBook G4’s which had the same stale sweat smell as the iBook G3.

I was entirely unaware of the olfactory phenomenon until this year.

And it also helped to explain why my 17" DLSD vaguely smelt of body odour when I got it. It wasn’t anywhere as strong as other testimonials here and elsewhere online, but it was noticeable enough (and novel enough as a cameo in my home) that I pondered whether the prior owner was a stinky dude (turns out the prior owner was a dude, but that discovery is another conversation).

Thing is, it's always open and running, and I don’t generally smell it much anymore.
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