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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 14, 2017
I'm proud to introduce PDFZone 2, a productivity macOS app that allows you to:

  • Automatically rename your PDF files based on their content
  • Automatically extract your PDF files content to useful data (CSV file)
Give PDFZone multiple PDFs of the same type, and it will smartly rename them, or extract the data you need (from predefined zones) to a CSV file.
PDFZone is not another OCR software, it analyses OCR'd or electronically generated PDFs.

Examples of use:

- Example 1: Suppose you want to rename all your received invoices with the following format: <date>_<invoice-provider-name>_<invoice-number>, you just need to:
  • The first time: for each provider, define the zones where to find the date, the provider name and the invoice number. Then define the renaming format of your choice.
  • After that, just give your PDF files to PDFZone, and your files will be renamed automatically ;)
- Example 2: Suppose you want to have the total amount of your telecom invoices for the last ten years (= 120 monthly invoices). The first time, tell PDFZone where to find the total amount on such invoice, then give all your invoices (PDF) to PDFZone. The app will automatically create a CSV file. Now you just have to use the data in the software of your choice (Excel, accounting, ...). Easy!


- Automatic PDF files renaming
- Automatic PDF files extraction
- Smart: with the "Trusted Neighbour" functionality, you can also extract values that might not always be at the same position (ex: the total of an invoice which position is below the items, whose number might vary from one invoice to another)
- Smart: adapts to variations when the PDF has been scanned
- Command-Line Interface for integration with other softwares
- macOS Mojave Dark Mode support
- TouchBar support






macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 14, 2017
Version 2.2 will be released soon ! This also means the end of the current 25% discount ;)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 14, 2017
v2.1.1 released with only minor changes, but this will improve the user experience !

Let me know what functionality you wish for next version.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 14, 2017
Hello guys,

just to tell you that PDFZone is fully compatible with macOS Catalina. :D



macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 14, 2017
For the guys forced to work from home (like me..), PDFZone is currently at -50%.
Hope it helps manage your business.

You can get it on the Mac App Store, or visite PDFZone's website.
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