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Orange Furball

macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 18, 2012
Scranton, PA, USA
Hello everyone! After finally getting where I think I'm doing good, I decided to post my gear and compare to everyone else!

If you want to post your gear, follow this example!

My gear:

PRIMARY: M4A1 Holo SD ::: 27 full mags

SECONDARY: G17 ::: 15 full mags

PACK: Alice Pack

VEHICLE: URAL truck, filled with 16 other weapons, supplies, food, medicine, etc.

MISC.: 5 Antibiotics, range finder, night vision, GPS, map, flashlights, compass, tool box, tons of blood and morphine, episode. pens, tons of meat, and more.

TEAM: 3 person team, each person has a Gillie suit, Alice pack, the M4A1 Holo SD, G17, and we share ammo and supplies.

HACKER?: No. All items, guns, vehicles, everything, was found on random servers over the course of a few months. None of us code and none own a server.

What do you guys think? Someone told me the M4A1 Holo SD is a hacked gun, funny thing is we found them all in one tent a while back. Hope the hacker isn't mad :p

Post your setup! If someone doesn't believe me ill post some screenshots!
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