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installation problem

  1. S

    Help me install Mac OS on iMac Pro without any working recovery options or keyboard command input, none, zilch, nada...

    I have posted about this in another section, but I thought of a second approach. Here is the other thread. Internet Recovery Loop From Hell. I am stuck with what seems like no recovery partition, no options, no way to get any boot drive choice. Is there a way to use a second iMac to force an...
  2. lowprofile

    Cannot install apps in alternate location

    I have a feeling I'm missing something ridiculously simple because there is little-to-no information on this issue online. When I install any app on my MacBook Pro (Catalina), the installer always skips the "Destination" option that would (theoretically) allow me to install an app to location...
  3. D

    Trouble while installing MacOS Sierra via USB drive

    URGENT HELP REQUIRED! Hello everyone! I have an iMac (Mid 2011) I decided to do a clean install of macOS sierra! I followed all the necessary steps of 1. Downloading the OS package from the app store 2. Preparing the USB drive with disk utility. 3. Creating a bootable USB drive with Terminal...
  4. seitsme

    bootable usb fresh Mavericks over 10.6 -format Q

    hi there, i have a macbook late 2009, with OSX 10.6.x and after i managed to burn a bootable usb osx mavericks installer, so i can ugrade or do fresh install and allow me to continue with sierra installation... i am stuck in installation because i see no information on the formating-install...