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language keyboards

  1. I

    Pinning/fixing the order of the languages (input sources / keyboard layouts) on macOS.

    Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there's a way to control the order of languages used on my Mac. The Problem: As you can see in the screenshot, I regularly use four languages: English (EN), Turkish (TR), Russian (RU), and Turkmen (TM). Unfortunately, the order of these languages keeps changing...
  2. J

    FCP command editor defaults to German Language

    HI All I tried to create a couple of short cut keys in FCP, using the command editor, I found that the command editor had defaulted to the German Language set up, how long this had been this way, no idea... I tried reboots, pram resets, erasing the hard drive, installed the trial, the bought...
  3. alexandr

    Language randomly switching while typing...

    This never used to happen, but since iOS 16(not sure if it started with .0 or later) sometimes, much more often than I would like — as I'm typing, the language changes on its own. I made sure it wasn't me accidentally hitting the globe on the bottom left... Anyone else experiencing this?
  4. ricecrispies

    US International and Canadian Multilingual keyboard layouts

    I have just acquired a Macbook Pro and am trying to set up language and keyboard. In Windows, my language and keyboard settings were: 1. British English - US International Keyboard (I also use this for other languages, hence the need for an international layout) 2. Belgian French - Canadian...
  5. K

    M1 MBP pro Keyboard layout change to US english from Other country keyboard

    Hi, I am a MBP user with a US english keyboard for over 18 years. Now living in Italy I cannot get a unit made without a 3-4 month waiting period with the correct keyboard, which I am used to. Getting another unit from overseas is possible with hefty import duty cost on top of the full price...
  6. marimora

    French autocorrect taking over

    Hello, please help me, this is doing my head in. I have an iPhone 6S running iOS 13.5. I have four keyboards installed including French, with my main language being English. But when I’m typing with the ENGLISH KEYBOARD, my English words get autocorrected into French. Present—> présent, realise...
  7. fireandmirth

    Language Switcher gone in Catalina?!?

    I updated yesterday. I work in multiple languages. Command+1 used to bring up a handy popup menu to let me cycle through keyboards (like the command+tab menu for apps, but vertical instead of horizontal). In the new OS, I'm not getting the keyboard menu. Command+1 has a new function. A...
  8. S

    Mac With international keyboard

    Hello I want to buy a MacBook Pro but I need Hebrew keyboard which isn't available to purchase in the uk. A friend of mine, after a fight with apple, managed to get one with an iMac. Has anybody had any success in purchasing a Mac with a keyboard thats not usually available in their country.
  9. seitsme

    Wubi Xing Chinese keyboard missing

    hello, I tried on high sierra latest ver, to add keyboard Wubi Xing (keyboard / language input source) to allow me to edit a chinese text, and cannot find it anywhere. I have a friend who has it though, not sure if it was apple supplied or not. May i ask, how can i copy this keyboard from her...
  10. prahbari

    Language Input Change

    Hi everyone I've been experiencing a strange issue with my language input switching since Sierra, I use 2 inputs on my mac, 1. Persian and 2. English. I use command+space to switch between language inputs, but I cannot change it using this keyboard combination when I open Launchpad or iTunes...
  11. goshya

    Workaround for serious Predictive Text bug?

    Hello, Sorry for the vague question. Has anyone stumbled upon a workaround? This really starts affecting my productivity. In case someone has running the latest beta: Does this bug still exist? Cheers! Problem description: When writing text in any app using the apple keyboards (and Gboard)...