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  1. J

    iPod Professional help needed, ipod classic/nano "Subtitles" and "Alternate audio"

    Hello, I have some issues with my ipod pod classic 6/7th gen and ipod nano 5th gen. I am trying to creating media files, "mp4, m4v, or mov" files that have more then one audio file, and working subtitles. The ipod classic has 3 different options that can change a video’s playback. They are...
  2. B

    Once Perfect Handbrake Videos now Pixelated

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone else has had this same issue... three years ago, I used Handbrake to copy all my DVDs to my MacBook Pro (and many onto an external NAS). All of these videos played without any problems. It seems one of the macOS updates caused an issue, because now ALL the...
  3. R

    File Transfer issue with corrupt files on old Lacie drive

    I have a very old LaCie "d2" 160gb external hard drive. It has a handful of family movies on it in the form of an .m4v files. Hundreds of files on the drive are fine! But there are 11 of these files that refuse to transfer from the external Lacie hard drive onto any other hard drive or desktop...
  4. Johnny 10

    iPhone 6(S)/Plus m4v file from MacBook to iPhone help!

    I recently took a video on my iPhone and immediately imported it to Photos on my MacBook. Once it was in Photos, I exported it to my desktop and deleted the original from Photos. Now I cannot access it no matter what I try :( I have tried syncing it back onto my phone, but I get an error message...
  5. gslrider

    Batch convert MKV to MP4 with subtitles

    I know Handbrake can convert MKV files with subtitles to MP4/M4V. You select the MKV file, go to subtitles, and choose the english version. Pretty simple. But how would I do this with multiple MKV files, without having to keep an eye when one is done, so that I can load the next file. I...
  6. maverick28

    Resolved iMovie 9 produces gigantic files on import, fails to generate thumbnails

    Hello, dear friends, begging for your help, I'm recutting a video I made of individual video files 1.5 years ago. All went smoothly then but now it became such a pain and I can't seem to figure out why. Software: OS X 10.7.5, iMovie 9.0.9 Hardware: MacBook Pro, mid-2012 15" non-Retina, 2.3 GHz...