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  1. 2

    iOS Any general tips for enabling SpriteKit games to support iPad?

    Hi everyone, While I have written several general iOS apps over the years to simultaneously support both iPhone and iPad screens, I haven't done this for SpriteKit / SceneKit based games (which have been mostly iPhone based up until now). I'm curious what general advice you might have in...
  2. S

    iOS Displaying alerts in Swift shows compiler warnings

    I'm pretty new to Swift and I'm having some trouble implementing alerts into my SpriteKit game. The below code works on device & emulator, however every time I run the code I get two warnings. GameViewController.swift: import SpriteKit class GameViewController: UIViewController { override...
  3. K

    iPhone [FREE] Boundary! - Keep the ball in the box

    Boundary! for iOS was just released! This is my first ever iOS game, so let me know what you think! I'd appreciate any feedback or reviews! Incredibly simple. Incredibly difficult. A game about precision and timing. Can you make it past 100? Most people can’t. The more you play, the...
  4. P

    Universal Ploppypop [free][game]

    Download Ploppypop here Hello future Ploppypoppers! Over the last past months I developed my very first own iOS game fully in Spritekit. You would really help me with some feedback for the game, it’s for free so just download it and give it a try. Let’s first check the feature list...
  5. colorbloks

    iPhone Cave Zen

    Hey Would like to present my latest game for iOS. Cave Zen is an action and puzzle adventure for iOS. The special on game is the control. You draw the path on the screen and the character follows this. But just look at the screens. The game is programmed in objective-c and apples 2d engine...