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  1. shadowboi

    Does anyone remember Vine?

    In light of recent events (TikTok might become inaccessible in US) I thought that the Chinese app is not unique. And in fact it was never unique. Does anyone here remember such thing as Vine? Back in the days it was distributed exclusively via AppStore. I remember how fun it was to watch and...
  2. M

    M2 max parallels and tiktok live studio

    Hi all I know this might seem a bit basic but I am a streamer looking to buy a M2 or M3 laptop as I am in need of a quiet powerful laptop. I can't seem to be able to find out if tiktok live studio works through parallels? I have seen some videos online of people being able to start the program...
  3. Thor774

    iPhone Daughter lost all of her TikTok videos. Help

    My daughter got a new iPhone and I helped her with the data transfer from her old one. I backed up the phone to a Mac encrypting the backup with a password and backed it up to iCloud too, then wirelessly transferred all the info from the old iPhone into the new one using the iOS migration...
  4. pipetogrep

    Script: Using youtube-dl and ffmpeg remotely and playing the video locally

    Hi all, tl;dr Get it here. Run this on Linux with xclip installed and set the GIMME_VIDEO_HOST environment variable to the location of your remote SSH server. I wrote a script that does the work of downloading videos from...