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  1. E

    Full September 7th 2005 Music Event?

    On September 7th, 2005 Apple helt a "Special" event, revealing both iTunes 5 and the iPod nano. Originally, the keynote ended with Steve Jobs inviting Kanye West up on the stage to perform two songs from his new album "Late Registration" in an attempt to promote both the album and the new iPod...
  2. pixelatedscraps

    Vintage PC Gaming Systems in 2018

    I’ve been getting the vintage hardware itch recently and aside from picking up some old PowerPC hardware (PowerBook G4 A1025 1Ghz, Apple Cinema Display HD 23”, Apple Pro Mouse) that I used to own (oh, the OS 9 nostalgia!), I’ve recently put together the exact same PC rig I used to have back in...
  3. lightningsalesuk

    G5 No video

    My G5 project was booting and working all fine. I went to turn it on Today to test some things however no Video goes to my monitor. When I attach the DVI port the monitor turns on then tells me that no signal is detected and turns off again. I tried the graphics card on a spare G5 system and...
  4. lightningsalesuk

    Apple Mac G5 Internet not working.

    I have a working G5 however when the internet is plugged in, it show in OS that is is however it cannot even load a page. It has airport however it is very very slow ( I am able to buy a Apple wireless time capsule if this will fix it.) What is causing my G5 not to work when Ethernet is...
  5. Antares23

    Replace WaterCooling by Air Cooling ?

    Hello, I'm thinking about buying a PowerMac G5 to replace my iMac G5 (no, I don't want something higher, I don't want to wait longer to have money to buy a Mac Pro, or take a IntelMini, no, it would be a PowerMac G5 or nothing, anyway, I will take it on a french site like craiglist, G5 are like...