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2020 macbook air

  1. B

    Keep Air + Buy 12.9 IPP vs Sell Air + Buy Base Pro 16'' ?

    I have a 256/16 gb M1 Air. Using it for both basic stuff and some programming+research - currently in the learning phase so I neither play with huge datasets nor really need too much GPU power. At least for now. Thing is, the Air's small screen is a problem for me especially when working with...
  2. B

    equivalent keyboard to macbook air m1?

    I have the new m1 macbook air, and it's keyboard is amazing! Is there an standalone keyboard that is equivalent to that? I have an old apple keyboard and it's not even close to that, but maybe they have new ones with the same filling? Thanks.
  3. E

    Resolved Is it okay if MacBook doesn't close completely?

    I put on a webcam cover on my MacBook, and because of it, it doesn't close completely (near the bottom area AKA where the cover is when the MacBook is closed). Is that ok? Will it interfere with the sleep mode or anything? Should I take the cover off? *EDIT* Thanks to everyone for replying...
  4. E

    Resolved These may be stupid questions

    I just got a macbook (2020 air) for the first time, so I’m going through a little adjustment period. A few q’s: How do I change the default text size for things?! Ex. When I open safari, I have to zoom to get the text bigger each time. Is there a way to set a default size? This goes for all...
  5. E

    2020 Macbook Air Base Model User Reviews

    I’ve seen the user review thread for the new macbook air, but most seem to have either the i5 or i7. Anyone who is actually using (or has used) the base model, I would appreciate your honest review! *EDIT* My i3 will be arriving soon. Once I do get it, I'll probably add to this post with my...
  6. E

    Staingate + Dented Screens?

    I've heard of "staingate" and screens getting scratched/dented from keyboards. Does anyone have experience with this? I'm getting a 2020 macbook air - do you think I will have the aforementioned problems?
  7. E

    Help re: 2020 Macbook Air

    Hi, I’m wanting to buy the 2020 macbook air, as pretty much everything about it suits my needs/wants perfectly... However, I’ve been seeing a lot of negative reports regarding the fan/throttling issues (some saying it idles at 100 celsius??) For context, I’m a college student who will be...