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4k editing

  1. A

    Editing iPhone 12 pro 4K HDR on Mac

    iMovie (for iOS) has been updated to support 4K HDR Dolby content coming from the new 12s. However what options do we have for editing this footage on a Mac? im interested in peoples ideas on the following: 1. iMove / FCPX 2. Minimum Mac Spec Needed 3. Use of proxy
  2. ClassicZach

    8GB RAM vs 16GB for Final Cut X

    I am looking to buy a MacBook Pro 13inch touchbar 2019. I will be editing a medium amount of 4K video. 5-10 minute projects. I do not operate more than one monitor at the moment, but will prob upgrade to 2 monitors next year. I also, do some minor programming and photoshop. Would anyone...
  3. I

    Storage Solution for Video Production Business - NAS?

    We are a team of creatives looking to solve our growing storage issues as I’m sure most businesses discover. The majority of our work is video and now more often than not we filming in 4K. On average a job/project will consume roughly 200GB in its entirety which includes the raw footage...
  4. g2only

    2009 cMP setup for 4K editing

    While still waiting on the new Mac Pro (2019), I'd like to get my 2009 cMP up to par to edit 4K (using BM DaVinci/Fusion) in the meantime. Kinda do now with 'OK' or doable results...anyone have APPLIED suggestions? Also, I'm not trying to spend a new computer budget on it. Mucho thanks in...
  5. C

    Is running a 4k display at 1440p going to noticeably degrade performance no matter what?

    I'm a graphic designer and use apps like Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. I notice when I'm working on complex files, my 4k display has noticeable refresh issues as the GPU is constantly playing catch up with what I'm doing. I'm connecting directly via DisplayPort @ 60hz. Normal computer...
  6. C

    Is running a 4k display at 1440p going to noticeably degrade performance no matter what?

    I'm a graphic designer and use apps like Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. I notice when I'm working on complex files, my 4k display has noticeable refresh issues as the GPU is constantly playing catch up with what I'm doing. I'm connecting directly via DisplayPort @ 60hz. Normal computer...
  7. L

    Macbook Pro Radeon Pro 555 for editing videos

    I am thinking of getting the Macbook Pro with Radeon Pro 555 (256 gb) as the specked out version with Radeon 560 (512 gb) is 450$ more in my country and that is something i'd rather save if the 555 would be able to take the load for 4k editing. What would you suggest i do? save or get the 560...
  8. K

    MacBook Air for GoPro editing?

    I have a PC right now that is way too slow to edit videos on and I’m looking at getting a Mac. I don’t have a huge budget, and I like everything I’ve read about the MacBook Air so far. I’m looking at the 2017 13”. I would be using it for university, like writing papers and doing online research...
  9. Daniel Reed

    nMP: daisy chain or direct connect thunderbolt displays (same bus)

    Looking for pros and cons; all things equal If one has nothing on a thunderbolt bus, bus 1 for example, is there any benefit to directly connecting two separate thunderbolt displays directly to the two thunderbolt ports for bus 1, verses connecting one TB display to the nMP and daisy chaining...
  10. T

    Is the New MB Pro 2016 15" Strong Enough for 4K?

    Hey there! I am looking to replace my very old Macbook Pro (late 2011, 13 inch) with a 2016 Macbook pro 15 inch. Now, since my budget is limited I was wondering whether the default configuration is enough in order to have a decent workflow editing 4K footage. Obviously, not a 4K feature, but...
  11. T

    Late 2013 iMac for 4K editing

    Hi, I am currently looking for a second hand iMac(new ones too expensive) to edit footage from my new Lumix GH4R camera using DaVinci Resolve. I have seen one on sale with these specs, will this comfortably do the job? (Its a 2.5K screen but once I can edit 4K thats ok) OPERATING SYSTEM: Mac...