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  1. SennaSempre

    Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    Hello, this is my 1st post and the reason why I joined. I have a water-damaged hard drive 6TB that had water on-or-in it for 1 day and then I dried it out. I see no water corrosion damage anywhere on the drive itself or the internal control board in the chassis or housing. This hard drive would...
  2. I

    HDD size limitation for 3,1? Should 6tb be okay?

    Hello. The question is can I use a 6tb drive in my early 2008 3,1 mac pro? If not, what is the largest drive I can use? I have a 3,1 with an SSD boot drive in a pci slot and have a couple 2tb drives and a 1tb drive in 3 of the bays. I bought a 6tb drive without thinking there might be an issue...