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  1. J

    Disappointed with iOS 10

    Long time lurker here. I just want to voice my opinion on iOS 10 and maybe give some guidance to those who are thinking about updating but haven't yet. After quite some time of trying to decide whether or not to install iOS 10 on my iPhone 6S, I did it tonight and I think I've made a huge...
  2. Obi Wan Kenobi

    Advice needed re liquid damaged 2015 13" MBA

    On Tuesday night some wine was accidentally spilled on the keyboard of my 2015 MBA. It wasn't much wine, and it was mopped up quickly, but there was a worrying crackling sound from the top right corner of the keyboard area, and the power was affected. By this I mean, it would switch itself on...
  3. J

    Need Advice on iPhone 7 purchase. Please Help!

    Hello I'm in a dilemma right now and was wondering if I could get some friendly advice. OK so. I have the iPhone 6 Right now and was thinking about upgrading it to the iPhone 7. Now the only reason i would do it is because the iPhone 6 running os 10 is really buggy and slow. Like its becoming...
  4. Thrao

    iOS Looking for Career Advice (iOS Developer or Front End Web Development?)

    Hello everyone, Hopefully I am posting this in the correct location if not please let me know and I would be happy to move it. I am a senior in college finishing up my last semester as well as working full time for a company called Allegion, we make a lock or push bar that you touch everyday...
  5. simonkeane

    Battery has turned dire (Losing 50% over 6 hour standby period)

    Hi folks, So I'm currently running the latest version of the iOS 10 Public Beta on an iPhone 6s. However, over the past day or so, I've noticed my iPhone (6s) battery has become dire. Nothing has changed in terms of the PB build, and this issue has cropped after being on the latest version...
  6. Nochnoy

    [Advice Needed] Architect and Design Notebook

    Hello Folks, I need an advice from you guys about a new notebook for work/daily use. To sum up: New notebook, with premium quality, premium support (We have a couple of Genius Bar at Brasil, and they really provide a good support/assistance) that will handle Adobe and Autodesk softwares for...
  7. The Reasonable One

    Resale price of a mid-2012 rMBP

    What do you guys think the resale price of a mid-2012 rMBP base model is? I want to sell mine if the new version coming out in September (hopefully) is a significant jump in features.
  8. K

    Universal Get Advice, Give Advice And Change The World With Turtlewise Social Advice Service

    Download the App: TurtleWise provides real, actionable advice shared by those who have real experience with the issue being faced by the advice seeker; not just random opinions from unqualified members of the internet hoard. When...
  9. L

    iPad - Using In Fields (Agricultural Business)

    Hey, I am hoping to gain some help here! I work for an agricultural business (specifically one that sells crops). They seem to be pretty slow to adopt new technologies and have been discussing using an iPad app to create and submit field reports for crops remotely for some time. My question...
  10. J

    iPhone 6 -> iPhone SE?

    Hi guys, I am just looking for feedback on what I should do for my next iPhone. I currently have an iPhone 6 64GB Space Grey with AT&T. I have quite a few cases for it, so a jump to a 6s would make sense in that aspect. My biggest grip with the 6 has been the frustration with screen...
  11. K

    iPad Pro ipad pro and PowerPoint

    Currently I own a mac mini in office and use a iPhone 6s Plus on the go In office I mostly use word excel and PowerPoint plus a couple of company software via parallels Now I need some more comfortable than the iPhone for my on the go work especially for PowerPoint Extremely portability is a...
  12. U

    Buy MacBook 12 - Processor Naming

    Hi all, As in the subject I am interested to understand how I can decide what MacPro to buy. The point is that if I go to check on retailer website, as MediaMarkt and others, it happens that I find several name of processor for the same MAcBook 12 and with same characteristics as RAM, HD. For...
  13. _astrotim

    rMBP 15" P2415Q advice

    Hello, I'm interested in setting up a new rMBP 15" w/ AMD Radeon R9 M370X to dual display two Dell P2415Q monitors. I'm curious to know if this is compatible? If so, what accessories will I need to make it happen? Also, would a docking station (plug and go) work with this combo? If so, what...
  14. Tiwele101

    Need a new computer now!

    Hi! Like some others I was trying to hold out until the last Keynote, but was disappointed by the lack of announced updates on their Mac-series. Unfortunately I cannot wait for the WWDC 2016, as much as I'd like to. I'm a hobby photographer and I'm starting to get new commissions in. Editing...
  15. danick94

    iPad mini Should I sell my iPad Mini (1st gen)?

    Hi there, I need some advices from you. I have an iPad Mini that I have been using from 2 or 3 years now that I have my new iPhone 6s this last 6 months I haven't use too much my iPad Mini. So I'm thinking of selling it and with the money I get upgrade my MacBook Pro (mid 2012 non Retina) adding...
  16. macnerd77

    Buying used Apple Watch question

    Hey guys, I am thinking about buying a used apple watch. Do i need to watch out for anything? Like an activation lock or anything? I don't want to buy it and try to set it up and find out its locked to someones apple ID. Thanks in advance
  17. J

    Applecare - Not covering Liquid spill (what to do?)

    Hello there, I recently was studying for my exams and spilled coconut water in my backpack, and my Macbook Pro Retina 15" (early 2013) ended up getting water into the left side of the ports (affecting the Thunderbolt and charging ports). I took my laptop for repair with Apple, hoping they...