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  1. M

    iPad Air Headphone Amp/DAC connection issue with iPad Air 4

    I have JDS Lab The Elemen Amp/Dac. With my old iPad 4 (2012, ios 10) i had no problem connecting to my amp via Apple's USB/Lightning adapter and listening music. Last week i bought iPad Air 4 and Apple's USB-C/USB adapter but music not working with my setup. It plays just 2 seconds without sound...
  2. Sverkel

    Better sound?

    Helllo This might not be the right place to ask, but I don't know where else to go. I got the new Mac mini (yes, finally) but the sound on it is not great as you might know. I also got the Logitech Z-2300 speaker set that has great sound but my desk for the moment does not allow me to have...
  3. DominikHoffmann

    Looking for microphone amp with Bluetooth transmitter

    I am looking to mic a person speaking in front of a small crowd with a lavalier microphone and get the signal to an iPhone, which is set to record video and audio. I therefore need a mic amp on the presenter, which transmits the audio via Bluetooth to the iPhone. Any recommendations? I have...
  4. - rob -

    HomePod Using HomePod with iPhone as Live Microphone Speaker

    Is it possible to use an iPhone (or a connected mic-enabled wired headset) as a live microphone with the HomePod amplifying sound? For example, an event that needs room music but also a small PA for people giving short speeches. Can HomePod handle both in some way?