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  1. T

    Can’t install Anemone. Does someone know how to fix this error?

    I already have succesfully jailbroken my Iphone 7. But with my ipad air 2 things are a little more complicated. I can install most tweaks. Like cylinder and many more. But i can’t install the most important of them all. Anemone. I get errors. Witch i will post down below. Does someone know how...
  2. ghostheadx2

    iPhone too many repos and unstable jailbreak

    I'm using an iPhone 6. I tried installing different repositories and want to go back to just the default ones after the problem started occurring, but I think I made it worse. My phone isn't compatible with anemone at all, and never was. It was never compatible with winterboard from the time...
  3. E

    General [Theme Release] Touchit HD

    Touchit HD Here is the initial release and Photoshop template if you would like to make your own icons: iOS 9 Anemone theme iOS 8 Theme iOS 7 Theme Template Cydia link Thanks Kalirob99 If you would like an icon made please follow this format: Post a link to source icon Post bundle +...