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apple tv

  1. HansumKingtut

    DCI-P3 and iTunes

    It seems a massive part of Apple's plans isn't to increase the resolution of display's in its products, rather to improve the quality. And of the ways they are doing that is with the roll out of products with support for DCI-P3 Digital Cinema Color. The new 5K and 4K iMac, 9.7" iPad Pro, and...
  2. JamesK1975

    iTunes TV Show Episodes Will Not Play/Download

    Hi, I've recently purchased several seasons of the TV Show 24. Tonight I am having problems in watching / downloading 8 specific episodes from Season 3. On my Apple TV 3 it says "there's a problem, please try later", on iTunes it says "an unknown error occurred (502)" sometimes number in...
  3. Corrode

    iOS 10 HomeKit ATV3 Incompatibility?

    According to, users should be able to use an ATV3 or ATV4 as a HomeKit Hub but I can't get my ATV3 to be recognized by the Home app. Additionally, it only lists the ATV4 and iPad as possible hubs. Did they change their requirements?
  4. bigkingapple

    Is there any security issues associated with Apple TV

    While checking the blog of our Digital security auditor , I found a blog entry discussing the issues associated with Android smart TV. I know Android is Dam vulnerable in the wrong hands. I am having 4th gen TV. Do I need to concern about such attacks...
  5. idrewuk

    Using Apple TV app, how do you...

    The Apple Music app for Apple TV is actually pretty good considering how mediocre the iOS app is. But I can't figure something out (using Remote app for iOS). Say I've got the 'New' tab open and I click one of the new single releases. It starts to play automatically, which is fine. But how...
  6. Otaviano

    AirPlay bug - Bedroom Spple TV (2)

    My iPad, now on developer beta 6, has this weird bug where the AirPlay menu lists "Bedroom Apple TV (2)" as an available option. The Apple TV we do own does appear in the AirPlay menu and works fine, but we do not own a device called Bedroom Apple TV and have never at any point owned one. I...
  7. smacrumon

    Apple TV 4 and download speeds

    What is the minimum broadband requirements for Apple TV 4? Internet connection can be patchy at times. The below are results from a speed test: Download speed: 1256 kbps (1.26 Mbps) Upload speed: 657 kbps (0.66 Mbps) Latency: 162 ms Jitter: 15 ms Packet loss: -1% What is the likely...
  8. K

    iFlicks 2 - can't add movies to app

    Just purchased iFlicks 2 in order to add metadata and artwork to my movies in iTunes (in order to then play on Apple TV 4). When I tried to add a movie (they are all either .mp4 or .m4v) it doesn't work. Can anyone help me troubleshoot?
  9. Z

    I spilled orange juice...

    I just spilled juice on the 4th Gen Apple TV and now the touch pad is a bit jerky and some of the buttons are sticky. Im look at cheaper replacements. Will the 3rd Gen remote work? Do you guys know of other brands that will work good with Apple TV? Thanks!
  10. B

    "Watch random 'Big Bang theory' episode" - Siri command?

    I'm thinking of buying an Apple TV 4. Either a reason not to- or an argument to actually buy the ATV4 would be Siri. But I was really wondering if Siri is capable of letting you view a random episode of a specific show by command? I've got a few seasons of The Big Bang Theory on my local NAS and...
  11. J

    Apple TV with Sling TV

    Just received my Apple TV via the Sling TV promotion (only $89!!!). Set up the TV last night, and it was actually an easier setup than I thought it would be. Not sure why the Sling TV app was only rated 3 stars in the App Store, it worked perfectly for us. We subscribed to Sling to save some...
  12. sketchparty

    WWDC 2016 Keynote mention for SketchParty TV

    Curious if anyone here saw this during this year's WWDC Keynote? I made the app Eddy Cue was talking about! I was very surprised to see it. More here:
  13. tonyr6

    Disable Ipv6 on the 4th gen Apple TV.

    I googled until I nearly went crazy. I currently use the Ipv6 tunnel which Netflix now geoblocks. I understand that. I want to simply disable Ipv6 on my Apple TV through my router running shibby tomato. With my IPv4 only devices like the Roku, Fire TV and PS4 I have no issues watching...
  14. smacrumon

    The great but mysterious Apple TV campaign

    First, this has to be one of Apple’s greatest ads in recent history, and let me express my disappointment that this Apple TV campaign hasn’t been more pervasive in the advertising scene. If there are any ads I want in front of my face, it's this one. But second, what is the music used in the...
  15. smacrumon

    When will Apple release a real Apple Television?

    Dear Apple Oh, I am so ever waiting patiently for this and was just reminded how good it could be today. I'm just watching some live streaming TV news on my iMac and the experience is that much better than watching it on my regular TV. That neat rounded chunky black bezel makes colors pop...
  16. S

    Connecting Apple TV to Computer Monitor

    Does the monitor have to be HDCP compliant? I want to use this monitor for it, thanks for the help!
  17. spenciecakes

    Resolved Airplay with headphones?

    Is it possible to watch something on my Apple TV (from my computer) with Airplay and still have the sound come out of the headphones attached to my computer? If it can be done, how do I do this? I know it's a weird thing to want to do but I have my reasons. Edit: to make it clearer I just want...
  18. jimsowden

    AppleTV 4th Gen does H.265 very well

    I had a crazy idea to try an HEVC file on my Apple TV. I ripped a blu-ray I had to a 2gb, 1080p HEVC MKV with 5 channel AAC audio and sent it over to the VLC storage on the Apple TV. Low and behold, VLC played it with almost no error. There was one scene of a newsreel with a huge amount of...
  19. amjustice

    How to access your HomeKit devices when away from home

    I know a lot of users on here are advanced users of HomeKit and don't need a tutorial on this but I figured for anyone that is new to HomeKit and doesn't know the particulars around remote access this might be helpful. let me know if there are any other questions.
  20. dombarnard

    Apple TV computer streaming speed

    I have a 2nd Gen Apple TV, 2013 Macbook Pro and 2013 iMac. Streaming movies to ATV from my iTunes library is very quick from MacBook Pro when movies are imported to the internal SSD. I am intending to rip my entire collection onto an external HDD connected to the iMac via usb 3.0, index them...