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  1. S

    macOS Parse a POSIX file path into variables

    Hi all, I'm a newbie to the world of AppleScript, but I'm trying to put together a pretty simple script to parse apart a file path and create a .txt file at the end. For example, the source file path would be: /Users/Matt/Desktop/3840x2160 I would want to create separate variables from Users...
  2. S

    macOS AppleScript - Passing Automator input into a handler

    Hello. I'm new to AppleScript and am trying to incorporate it into an Automator script. I'm trying to trim text using a handler I found online. However, using the run handler to set the input variable (the default AppleScript) code for Automator, causes an error saying that I can't have two run...
  3. tvarberg

    macOS Help with Applescript and numbers

    Hello, I have a document in numbers with a lot of hyperlinks. I want to build a script so I can open, say 50 hyperlinks by running the script. I know how to do this in excel and macros but I am new to Applescript. What I have so far is not impressive: tell "numbers. I hope to receive some...
  4. Peiyi Yang

    Inspiration needed - apple script

    Hey Guys, I'm thinking of some possibility that AppleScript perhaps could achieve. In order to minimise the abstraction, I bought the App called Vanilla by Matthew Palmer ( to hide the menubar when I'm at work. It works like that, the menubar will appear when...
  5. J

    macOS AppleScript - Airplay software

    Hi, I’m trying to find a software capable on Airplaying on my older Mac mini which acts as a homebridge. Anyone know a software capabable of doing this which supports AppleScript? (Something like old Airparrot which I believe had support for this) Thanks /Johan
  6. Chestbrah

    macOS AppleScript - Press certain key to input another key

  7. Sovon Halder

    Guide - QuickTime Custom Controls / Shortcuts

    Does anybody know how to access/edit/delete the controls/settings of the native QuickTime Player in Sierra/High Sierra ? Why isn't it there any preferences option? It would be nice to be able to change the controls like.. . Increasing scrubbing speed . Seeing the % of current volume level...
  8. J

    AppleScript to Insert Images Into Excel 2016

    Hello all, I am a long time reader and a first time poster and I hoping that someone can help me resolve an issue with a script that is vital to my regular workflow. This script gathers data from "Image Folders" and enters that data into a spreadsheet alongside the image itself. I have been...
  9. TenthAlmond

    macOS Scripting the sniffer built into Wireless Diagnostics

    I'm interested in using the built-in wireless sniffer (accessible from Wireless Diagnostics by pressing Cmd-Opt-6) as a part of a script. Is there a way to control it via scripting, maybe AppleScript? I only need to start the sniffer and to be able to change the channel and bandwidth. Can the...
  10. AmazingHenry

    Skripped - AppleScript Assistant for PowerPC

    ORIGINAL INFO: Yeah, I said I was done with PowerPC projects, but this is just a Mac app in general that happens to be compatible with PowerPC. ;) Anyway, I've coded a simple AppleScript assistant! It can do things like web searching, weather, timers, app launching... and it'll get way better...
  11. superscape

    macOS Scripting Bridge & Adobe InDesign

    Hi, Wonder if anyone can help me here? I have some Objective-C code and in part of it I need to script Adobe InDesign. I'd rather not use AppleScript if I can help it. So I thought I'd use Scripting Bridge - I know it's glitchy but my needs are simple (place a PDF) so I thought it should be up...
  12. Y

    macOS Remove delimiter section from filename with Automator

    I'm creating an automator script that copies files from one folder to another and then runs an AppleScript to rename the file by splitting via delimiter and resaving with the second item. For example, using file names of: a new file$SG789.jpg file_2$123-456.jpg file_name$LG123.jpg...
  13. T

    macOS Delete SRT subtitles markup

    Hi, I want to write a simple apple script that can delete the italics markup "<i>" in SRT files. But the "<" and ">" are causing problem. What is the correct format to enter in this case? This is what I have. Thanks. tell application "TextEdit" set every word of front document where it is...
  14. T

    Is there a way to create an applescript that closes iTunes upon it opening

    My earbuds are acting up and they keep on playing music when every they want to. I have used applescript before but is only to open apps not close them.
  15. B

    macOS Automator + Applescript > copy files from folder

    I want to make backup of remote ftp folder to local folder. In Automator, I had an applescript that mount my remote ftp: on run {input, parameters} #Connect to server tell application "Finder" mount volume "ftp://server_name/path_to_folder/img" as user name "user_name" with password "password"...
  16. Joseph Gray

    macOS Help please applescript

    Hey, I know nothing about code and found this online -- -- Toggle Airport Power On and Off -- if (offset of "On" in (do shell script "networksetup -getairportpower en0")) > 0 then do shell script "networksetup -setairportpower en0 off" else do shell script "networksetup...
  17. Phoenix_E

    macOS Need help with applescript

    I had an applescript that used to work but now it no longer does. I'm not sure what's wrong with it but if someone could help me out it'd be greatly appreciated. Everytime I run this it returns "msng" and i can't figure out how to fix it. tell application "Safari" quit end tell set...
  18. R

    macOS Capture One: Applescript to change EXIF data in image

    I am testing out Capture One to switch over from Lightroom and as I shoot film and scan at home I always like to add in the camera and lens data. LR has plenty of plugins for this task but in Capture One it looks like my only option to change Camera Make/Model and Lens etc in the EXIF is to run...
  19. Cynthia Blue

    macOS Script to move files to new subdir

    I'm new to Applescript and Automator... I have done some limited cron scripting in my past but will need to relearn how to do it. What I'm looking to do is move all my .mp4 and .mov files from my hard drive to my external backup drive that's connected via my network. So basically just from one...
  20. P

    macOS Removing Paragraph Breaks in Word

    I have this script that combines word files into one file. I then drop that Word file onto Quark and drag it off to the side. The problem I'm having is that the imported text cuts off after the first paragraph and the rest of the text is overflowing. I'm trying to figure out how to replace the...