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applewatch s6

  1. L

    Help - can't turn off scheduled DND

    Hi, I'm in the doghouse with my spouse. When we got Apple Watches, I did the iPhone/Watch setup including the health/sleep schedule so that it would automatically track sleep and going into the sleep watch face (my spouse wanted an easier watch face at night). I thought this would be great...
  2. bonjourx

    Which scratches more easily and more visibly? Stainless steel gold or stainless steel silver?

    I can’t decide between the two if I purchase the Apple Watch series 6. I have a SS gold series 5 and so far it’s not showing any scratches. However, I am quite opting for the SS silver this time and I’ve never had one before, so I’m just wondering between the two which one scratches more easily...
  3. M

    Titanium Series 6 not available in Austria - why?

    In the Austrian Apple Store, only the steel and aluminum versions are available. Anyone have a clue why? You can get it from the US, UK, Germany, etc. (not in Belgium though either). I live in Austria and, in a very Apple move, you can only order from the Austrian shop for delivery so I can't...