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background activity

  1. Tsepz

    iPhone 15 Pro Max How is the multitasking with 8GB RAM?

    Congratulations to all those who managed to get their 15 Pro Max this week/weekend. Given the apparent upgrade of RAM from 6GB (in 12 PM, 13 PM and 14 PM) to 8GB in the 15 Pro Max, I would love to know if you are seeing significantly more apps staying in RAM/not restarting after you have left...
  2. A

    iPhone 12 Pro Apps open in background

    Are the apps that are open in background still able to access private data (location, photos, health). Or should I force quit them via task manager.
  3. mdmlb

    Screen off battery usage by apps despite being on low pwer mode and/or background refresh turned off for all apps?

    Hi. I have an iPhone 11 pro running ios 14.7.1. It's been a while since I checked my battery stats but a few days ago I did go check and noticed that any random individual app is running in the background when my screen is off. This is weird because the last time I constantly checked my...
  4. H

    Unexplained background activity from mail app after updating to iOS 14.7

    I updated on Saturday, and under my batter usage, the mail app was coming up as 15m background activity, which I am assuming is separate from background app refresh, as that is disabled. The odd thing is, I didn't have the mail app open, and I don't have any email accounts added to it. I have...