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beats x

  1. D

    Beats X Repeated Failure

    Hello. I've seen a few threads, but no news coverage on this yet, but I think the BEATS X headphones that Apple sells have a product defect. See this thread I've had two pair and in both cases the power light would fail and...
  2. m0sher

    My thoughts on Beats X

    I'm a bit of an audiophile who understands I've made a choice to give up sound quality from my expensive IEM's with 3.5mm jack and downgraded to wireless earbuds for my new iPhone X. (Which I really like). I wanted to stay away from wireless earbuds that stick out of my ears like Herman Munster...
  3. S

    Beats X headphones suddenly make no sound on my MBP 10.9.5

    It was working fine with my MBP for the first few months and then all of a sudden it stopped maybe a month or two ago. Possibly because of an automatic firmware update on the headphones. It pairs and the MBP shows it is connected, but sound doesn't come through the headphones. You can even hear...
  4. L

    BeatsX battery life

    Fully charged my BeatsX on Friday evening, and shut off them right away. Picked them up this morning and they were at 97%. So they lost 3% while shut over a 28-30-hour period. This morning I used them for my gym session and here's what I got out of them. 8:52 AM - 94% 9:12 AM - 90% (4% in 10...
  5. P

    Bluetooth Audio problems - Beats X + Mac OS

    So I bought a pair of Beats X about a week ago, everything was great, setup was really easy. Today both of my Macs have decided that they don't like it when I connect to them (no problems with my iPhone) When I connect to my MacBook Pro, the headphones default to using the SCO codec which...
  6. A

    Are the Beats X wires too long?

    I'm interested in the new Beats X to use with my iPhone, but the wires that attach to the earbuds themselves look way too long and look as if they'd smack into my face. Does anyone have experience with the new Beats X and can they confirm this? Would just like some extra insight.
  7. zipur

    Beat X is a no go for me, sticking with my Mw600

    Reading up on the Beats X and AirPods which I like but fear loosing one and no controls, I've decided to sit out this round. So I'm sticking its these; the Sony mw600. I use it with my Bose wired headset sounds great and works for me. I can switch out the ear peace with a variety of...