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  1. C

    Can you customize behavior of the "hide menu bar" setting?

    Hi friends! I'm looking to see if it's possible to fix one of my biggest annoyances in macOS right now. I have a 14-inch notched MacBook Pro, where it makes sense to have the menu bar always visible (even in full screen apps). However, I use the Mac either docked or connected to a 16:9 monitor...
  2. P

    Keyboard shortcut to activate AirPods (Max) on demand on a Mac

    I'm one of those who like to have a keyboard shortcut for everything. AirPods auto-switching works better with iOS and iPadOS than it does with my M1 Macbook Air. Also, I dislike having to click Connect every time with the trackpad. I want a keyboard shortcut key that I can press just in case...