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  1. one more

    Bing, Ecosia and DuckDuckGo are down [Resolved]

    DuckDuckGo and Bing, that powers its search, are down at the moment. So is Ecosia. The sites are accessible, yet the search does not work. Google and Yahoo! work as expected This is probably not the right place to post it, so feel free to move it as appropriate.
  2. L

    MacBard - Google Bard in your menu bar!

    Hi! I made a nifty app that puts Google Bard right in your menu bar. Check it out here: Check my other app that puts Bing Copilot in your menu bar: Let me know what you think! Louis
  3. L

    Get Bing Copilot on macOS

    Hi there! I’ve been searching everywhere for a good, simple menu bar app that would enable me to access Bing Copilot directly from my MacBook Pro. I found a couple but they were buggy or didn’t work well enough. So I decided to make my own app. Feel free to check it out on Gumroad...
  4. Darmok N Jalad

    No longer download Bing wallpaper in Safari?

    So earlier this week, the strangest thing happened. I use Bing as my search engine (no, that's not the strangest thing), and I regularly check their free wallpaper at and "download today's image" when I like it. All of a sudden, the option to download has gone away. It was never an...