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boot loader

  1. MacinMan

    Need help installing Ubuntu to an external drive for my iMac 27" from late 2015

    Hey all, I am stuck on getting a Ubuntu 22.04 to put the bootloader on the external drive and NOT the drive with the macOS boot loader. I am able to successfully install linux to an external drive, and it runs. However, even though I tell the installer to put the boot loader on the external...
  2. J

    MBP 2011 13" 8,1 Internal Keyboard Startup Keys Not Working

    Does anyone have issues with their MBP 2011 13" 8,1 startup keys (cmd+R, option, etc)? I found this issue years back when I tried installing Bootcamp, but the system wouldn't recognize the installer USB so I needed to get back to my macOS. I tried the option(alt) key for boot loader, but it did...