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  1. ohernan6

    Help with Apple TV losing Wi-Fi connection

    Hello, Has anyone ever encountered connectivity issues with their Apple TV and Wi-Fi when the router is placed in an adjacent room? I live in a 1BR apartment and my Apple TV HD (4th Generation) losses connection constantly in my bedroom — Netflix will get extremely pixellated, while other...
  2. S

    IINA Video Playback Buffering Issues - youtube-dl ?

    Hey there! I'm reaching out for some assistance in troubleshooting the IINA video player. I can't find the answers I'm looking for using google, so hopefully, here I can find a solution. I love the IINA video app but I'm struggling to have it playback video streams from...
  3. purdnost

    Anyone Else Having Resolution Issues?

    For the past couple of weeks or so, I’ve been having streaming issues on Apple TV+ with shows like Ted Lasso and The Morning Show. The resolution will be really bad a lot of the time and sometimes playback even stops to buffer. I have 250 Mbps fiber internet. And sometimes, there will be...
  4. M

    Weird buffering issue involving Plex, mac-mini 2012 and screen sharing

    Hi fellow Mac users, Let me explain the problem I’m having as short as possible. I have a mac mini 2012 running headless and serving as a Plex server. I use my Macbook Pro late 2015 to gain access to the mac mini using Screen Sharing. My new Samsung TV has a native Plex App. So far, so good...
  5. dombarnard

    Apple TV computer streaming speed

    I have a 2nd Gen Apple TV, 2013 Macbook Pro and 2013 iMac. Streaming movies to ATV from my iTunes library is very quick from MacBook Pro when movies are imported to the internal SSD. I am intending to rip my entire collection onto an external HDD connected to the iMac via usb 3.0, index them...
  6. MrTemple

    Apps Plex app stuttering due to not buffering at all.

    I spent some time tracking down the intermittent stuttering issues with Plex, and have figured out that the Plex app does not buffer at all. It doesn't load more than about 10-20mb (if that) at a time. And if you pause the movie, it stops loading the movie at all (no buffering), which is just...