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calendar event invitations

  1. T

    Calendar invitations in Monterey?

    Is it so, that calendar invitations from Mail can't be passed to Calendar automatically in Monterey, like it used to work before? All I get is "Siri Suggestions" in Mail (and they are on in Preferences/Siri Suggestions/Mail), but that leads to that I have to manually click every suggestion for...
  2. U

    All Devices iOS 13.3: Calendar app deletes the invitation mail upon acceptance of invite inside Calendar app on an Outlook/ Exchange/ Office 365 account

    Accepting a Calendar invitation received in an Outlook/ Exchange/ Office 365 account from inside the native Calendar app of iOS deletes the invitation email from Inbox. Microsoft does provide this feature (non-deletion of invitation email) in its own Client. Outlook for iOS does not delete the...
  3. purdnost

    General Apple Calendar Event Invitations: Email or Phone?

    When sending invitations to an event in Apple Calendar for iOS, I'm given the option to send the invitations to a contact's email address or phone number. Is one method recommended over the other? Why or why not? Do email invitations go to the person's email inbox? Alternatively, do the phone...