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  1. J

    iPod Professional help needed, ipod classic/nano "Subtitles" and "Alternate audio"

    Hello, I have some issues with my ipod pod classic 6/7th gen and ipod nano 5th gen. I am trying to creating media files, "mp4, m4v, or mov" files that have more then one audio file, and working subtitles. The ipod classic has 3 different options that can change a video’s playback. They are...
  2. T

    macOS Big Sur is erasing keywords as soon as I type them....

    I recently upgraded to Big Sur from Mojave on my late 2014 iMac and whenever I try to type in a keyword to add it makes it disappear as soon as I type it. Is anyone else having this problem? When I try to type in a caption for the photo that works most of the time, but keywords don't.
  3. Internet Enzyme

    Final Cut Pro 10.4.1 Captions Caveats

    So, when I tested the new feature, the captions did not appear in the viewer and could not be exported. I scratched my head as to why this was. I watched some videos, and they seemed to just be able to drop them in and have them work. I figured out why captions didn't work with my projects. My...
  4. mpainesyd

    App to create a PDF catalog from Photos

    From time to time I have used either Pages or iPhoto to create a simple catalog of selected photos from my iPhoto library with maybe 6 photos per page. This has become more tedious now that I have converted to Photos. Is there a Mac App that will do this is a similar way to pages but with added...