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  1. tubedogg

    Chrome, Safari, and Airmail have stopped trusting random certificates, including ones for Google-owned sites

    Fair warning, this is long but hopefully comprehensive. Please ask any questions you think might help. I am desperate for a solution at this point. I did find these two threads on Let's Encrypt's community indicating that others are having this problem with the exact symptoms that I am (random...
  2. thewiccaman

    iPhone 8/Plus Certain Apps crash & phone has to be retarted

    Hi, hoping someone can help (and sorry if in the wrong forum) - Apple can't resolve this at all. I'm not technical and this is frustrating me to the point I am hating my iPhone at the moment. And sorry if this is a bit long - I'll try & be brief. In Dec, an issue arose on my 8+ when suddenly...
  3. D

    Can anyone verify that the size in bytes of my "Install OS X" file is legitimate?

    Once I've purchased a new internal hard drive for my Mac Pro 4,1 to use to create a clone backup of the boot drive, and I'm satisfied that the cloning process has been successful, I want to upgrade my OS from Snow Leopard 10.6.8 to Mavericks 10.9.5. [I'm very aware how out of date / deprecated...
  4. robertcoogan

    Cannot access HTTPS via PKI

    I have had numerous problems with getting PKI certificates to work properly on my MBP. My issue is that I am using PKard to install US government PKI certificates from a CAC onto my Mac - I use both a MBP (late 2012) and an iMac (mid 2011). Up until a couple of weeks ago, I had no issues. Both...
  5. D

    Wifi setup missing security drop down

    On our network you have to connect to wifi via a security certificate. For our Mac users we manually install the certificate, then when you want to connect to wifi, you select the identity based on the certificate. But for one Mac that was recently upgraded to 10.11, the security drop down is...