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cinema screen

  1. sbyseven

    MP 1,1-5,1 Strange issues with my cinema display 27

    Hi all, I have a cinema display 27 with a mac pro 5.1 that works when it wants. If I don't make any changes to the software it usually works perfectly, but if I make any changes like updates or so, it doesn't work at all; even if I plug it into a mac mini 2012 or my MacBook air 2017 it doesn't...
  2. jonathancollins225

    Replacement for 30 inch Apple Cinema screem

    My beloved Apple 30 inch cinema screen has stopped working and I am looking for a replacement 30 inch screen to give me the same resolution (2560 x 1600) and aspect ratio (16:10). My Mac pro has dual link DVI out put and also minidisplay port output. I use the Mac predominantly for Music...