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  1. R

    Other iPhone color plating or coating services

    iPhone color plating or coating services. I'm at that point where I need a new iPhone. I really want one in a color that isn't available direct from Apple. I seem to recall in the past that there were color plating or coating services, that would change the color of your Apple device (i.e...
  2. I

    iPhone 12 Pro Question about the oleophobic – oil repellent – coating on iPhone 12 pro

    Hey guys, Maybe a weird question about cleaning my new iPhone 12 pro (the gold one). I was wondering is the oleophobic coating also around the gold metal bead on the side of the phone/camera. And Apple says don't use any cleaners my stupid self didn't know this and I did use it 3 times is that...
  3. AjTee

    iPhone 12 Pro Not fully coated lens on iPhone 12 Pro

    Hello all, I am out of 14 days return period It looks like glass of one of my lenses is not fully coated. There is a little constant smudge on a black frame, not on a lens. I notice, every time I touch it and clean it and touch it again, the shape of the mark will be exactly the same. Has...
  4. 4sallypat

    Stripped Apple Card - bare titanium look anyone ?

    On 9-5 article shows what the Apple card looks like after it was stripped of the white coating: Would anyone like to do this ?
  5. Prahlad

    Macbook pro 13 or 15 2015 without anti glare coating

    Hello everyone! Please share some experience of using the display of macbook pro after removing the anti glare coating... is the problem with glares an issue? Is it possible to use the display without it outside? In direct sunlight?
  6. S

    New MacBook Pro Screen Coating.

    Can anyone tell me if they have a new MBP and is the screen coating still intact? I am about to buy a new MBP but my experience of my 2013 MBP worries me that the issue with the screen coating is still there (it makes the screen so horrible). Thanks in advance. P.
  7. fischersd

    2018 MacBook Pro display coating??

    Did a search - didn't see anything quite the same as this. Just got my 2018 MBP 15" back from Apple 4 days ago and the display (coating?) is already showing signs of wear. I'm pretty damn meticulous about using a micro-fibre cloth to keep the display clean as well as the keyboard, so no dust...
  8. V

    Any way to coat the I pad with Plasti Dip?

    I’ve never used Plasti Dip, but I often see cars on the road that look like they’ve been almost entirely coated with Plasti Dip. Is this something that can be done to the iPad?
  9. M

    Other Oleophobic coating, How easily can it be scratched.

    Hit my fingernail on the screen pretty hard while trying to pick up my phone. I became curious as to whether or not my fingernail could scratch the oleophobic coating... Is it so thin to create scratches in the film? or can I expect it to be stronger than a scratch from my finger nails?
  10. Z

    MacBook Pro Late 2013 Coating Display

    Hello Everyone! I have a MacBook Pro Late 2013 purchased in March 2014. My MacBook has the coating issue all over around the black part including the display part (monitor display) making it extremely bothering if not impossible using graphics programs. I visited a local Apple Store and they...
  11. D

    iMac Pro iMac Pro anti-reflective coating wearing off

    Hi guys, Posting this here regarding my iMac Pro issue which I experienced yesterday. I've had the Mac for just over 3 months and it was the first time I decided to give the screen a wipe using an apple cloth supplied with the iMac. I noticed a white, small dot/speck to the right of the screen...