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  1. T

    Any fix for a minor scratch on the edge of my iMac?

    This is pretty minor and cosmetic, but does anyone have any suggestions on how to get out a slightly deep scratch on the side of my iMac? I accidentally banged my iPad against it and there is a small 4 mm gouge on it now....It is purely cosmetic....
  2. WristyManchego

    Apple kicks me right in the A

    Here's a right pain in the ass... Be me. Has 2008 laptop for 10 years. Shocks people how new it looks. Finally buys a new MacBook Pro a couple months back. Loves it. Takes excellent care. Takes it to bed. New day discovers crumb on A key. Not crumb. Chunk of enamel missing. Contacts Apple...
  3. B

    Bottom Corner Dent on New Out of Box MacBook Pro 15”. Exchange?

    I just got a brand new Mid-2015 MacBook Pro from a Best Buy and strait out of the box I saw (and can’t unsee) a dent on the bottom corner of the device. Is this a warranted reason for an exchange? Would you deal with it or exchange it for a new one? Especially if you spent $1500+ on this...
  4. RMP28

    iPhone 8 Quality Control Issues.

    I would like to share my experience with Apples poor quality control. I am an Apple Fanboy, I always have been. I love their products, their software, their innovation, all of it! But what I do not love... is their poor quality control. Every single iPhone I’ve had, it has come out of the box...
  5. B

    How to sell a damaged MacBook Pro?

    I have the following machine that's been warped somehow - one of the bottom screws fell out somehow and it's been sitting in a closet for about a year (I got a newer laptop for work and personal use and forgot about it). Since then, it's warped as show in the pictures. Any recommendations on...
  6. NoHardFeelings

    My worst iPhone 7 Plus purchase experience

    I just had the worst experience of buying an iPhone in Thailand, one of the so-called “developing” countries. The experience was so bad that I decided to write this to raise an awareness that there is work to be done to improve the customers' experience in buying and getting Apple services...
  7. aPple nErd

    iPhone 7 flaking?

    So i've had my 7 since launch day. I noticed while cleaning it today that there are several flecks on the anodized backing where it looks like the finish is flaking. See what you guys think
  8. H

    iPhone + OCD Sufferer

    Hi Everyone, I have been on the phone to Apple Care on behalf of a friend who has OCD. She had an unlucky day the other week. She left the house in a rush without putting her iPhone cover on (for the first time). At the end of the day she had put her work papers on top of the car and placed...