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  1. N

    Downgraded cydia installer

    Hello, I've got a problem. I've accidentally downgraded cydia installer. Cydia doesn't work. How can I fix it? I've already tried to delete cydia substrate and cydia installer, nothing works.
  2. Bonfyre

    ih8Sn0w Remote JB -- is it legit? Does anyone know if this remote jailbreak is legit? Evidently it downloads a .mobileconfig file, but i'm not too sure. I tried a remote jailbreak not too long ago and the Cydia "app" linked to a site that said the app I was looking for wasn't available (Clever people...
  3. iBoss101

    How to Jailbreak iPhone 3GS with redsn0w!

    Hello everyone. Today I am teaching you how to jailbreak your old iPhone 3GS. Personally, I think everyone should have owned a 3GS. I love old iphones, and the 3gs isn't an exception! Lets start. JB'ing with redsn0w! The first method I am showing you involves redsn0w. before starting: 1. backup...