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disk doctor

  1. A

    Restarted while macOS catalina was installing

    I had restarted while the macOS catalina was installing and now my macintosh HD disk is gone and I cannot startup my computer to the login homescreen. When I go to disk utility there is only OS X Base system and 251 GB APPLE SSD. Did I completely break my macbook pro? What do I do to return it...
  2. cjh123

    Data recovery Help!!!

    Hi guys!! So I dragged a file unknowingly into my trash as it was under a ton of pictures on my desktop. Cleared my trash. Realized that file was gone. I have two essays due this week that were in there, one of them due in 6 hours (its 2:30am my time). I have tried using Disk Drill Pro and M3...
  3. DiskAngel

    My Mac Utility app Disk Angel is free just for today

    Hi all. I released my utility app Disk Angel about a month ago but I'm finding it difficult to pick up any traction so decided to make it free for 24 hours or so in the hope that people will see that it's a good app and maybe even leave a review on the app store. It can be downloaded from...