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disney plus

  1. J

    Does Anyone know how to watch movies in Dolby Atmos on Netflix/Disney in Safari?

    the movies i wanna watch are atmos compatible I have a M2 MacBookAir and Safari version 15.6 thanks
  2. philrock

    Disney+ Language Issue

    So last night I opened D+ on my ATV and the Marvel movies were playing in Spanish. I couldn't change anything. This happened once before with WandaVision in German. That cleared up eventually. Is this a thing? I browsed reddit and here and couldn't find anything definitive or helpful. Just...
  3. purdnost

    Disney Plus and Filmmaker Mode?

    While I can get Dolby Vision with Disney Plus on my Apple TV 4K, I’ve noticed that it doesn’t give me the option for filmmaker mode. Maybe this picture setting is reserved for purchased or rented movies, for example, as opposed to streaming content?
  4. Greg McBride

    Some Video Won't Play in Safari

    Whenever I try to watch Disney+ and Apple TV+ on my Mac, I can hear the audio, but there's no video. This happens in Safari only. I've tried disabling all extensions to see if there's a conflict, and that doesn't solve the problem. This happens on both of my machines. Is anyone else...