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do not disturb

  1. 2

    iPhone FaceTime calls still go through even when DND/Bedtime mode is enabled

    Is this a bug? I just tested this with a friend. I turned on DND mode, and then told him to call me via FaceTime and my phone still rings, even with bedtime mode enabled. I really hope Apple fixes this. It should be silent just like if someone were to call you via regular phone.
  2. R

    iPhone Do not disturb clock/settings = 2 schedules?

    During the week I have to get up early for work so have do not disturb set up to turn off when I get up. At weekends when I’d like to stay asleep a bit longer I find my phone sometimes wakes me up with unimportant app notifications sounds etc as DND is turned off early due to the schedule...
  3. I

    iPhone X Schedule Reoccurring DND by Location

    The iPhone XS Max is my first iPhone and I am loving it. I am a switcher. I love being able to set DND until I leave a location by way of 3D touch. This is great for going to restaurants, movies, etc. I also use this feature for work. But instead of having to set it every morning I would...
  4. B

    iPhone Do not Disturb While Driving not working like it should…

    I have an iPhone 5 (iOS 11.4.1) and when I try to activate DNDWD it should have 3 options: Bluetooth Automatic Manually But here, it only shows Bluetooth and Manually, but not Automatic. I searched everywhere but I can’t find the way to solve this. I would be very relieved if you could help...
  5. kittonian

    Do Not Disturb Allows Spam Calls

    I have all the settings set to not allow any calls through when do not disturb is active, including silence set to always, no multiple rings allowing calls, etc. and yet every day these spam calls are getting through and ringing my phone. I have read so many articles on the subject, forum...
  6. HauntedPepper

    Automatic Do Not Disturb While Driving not working

    Hello everyone, My model is an iPhone SE recently updated to iOS 11.2.5 Settings are all correct for this feature to work, but the other day I felt a text on my leg while driving. I asked texter if she had gotten the auto-reply message and she said negative. So yesterday when I left my house I...
  7. AstralGeek33

    DND While Driving Question

    I am switching back to iOS due to Apple's long term support of their products and ARKit. I know about the Reply With Message feature but I do have a question about Do Not Disturb While Driving: If calls are also blocked will iOS auto-reply with your customized auto-reply message?
  8. V

    Apps Bugs in watchOS 4: Do Not Disturb not syncing when manually disabled

    Hey everyone, since updating to watchOS 4 I’m experiencing some really annoying bugs (missing achievements or notifications on your Activity status being one) and I’m wondering if you see this one as well: I have syncing of Do Not Disturb status enabled from phone to watch. It does work (a...
  9. bleighv

    Group Texts: Do Not Disturb Not Working

    Hello all, I did a fair share of googling and forum searching but haven't come up with a solution; I hope you guys can help. Details: Husband has an iPhone 6s and is running the latest iOS. Problem: His family always starts group texts (they all have iPhones) and my husband always has been...
  10. iArneezy

    Do Not Disturb chats still coming through to watch

    Apologies if there is a thread already about this. Couldn't find one. I'm in a group chat on my ip7+ with about 10 people. I have the chat set to Do Not Disturb but it's still showing up on my watch. I have my watch set to "mirror iphone" on messages. Am I doing something wrong? Really...
  11. C

    How to get messages sound with Do Not Disturb?

    Hello there, this is a rather silly question, but I never found a solution to it. I have two or three phone numbers in the Favorites list that can call me anytime, even when the Do Not Disturb mode is activated. However, when these persons send me a message, the phone doesn't make a sound...