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dock icons

  1. RazorBackXX

    How to Keep Folders in Dock From Moving?

    hey my friends, I have the main Mac folders in the dock. documents, photos, videos, downloads, music ect. I want them to stay put. I don't want them to move. I love dragging & dropping files into my dock. but when I hover over the dock folders it tries to put the file aka a photo or video in the...
  2. M

    Show us your Dock!

    I thought it'd be nice to share what is in our Docks, and to guess what we use our Macs for! Here's mine...
  3. gauravsoni

    Messed up dock icons (icons not visible)

    Hey guys , is anyone else facing this issue of icon docs not visible ? Some of the icons on the dock are not getting displayed properly , its all random. When i open the app and close it comes back. Any way to resolve this ? Im on mac os 10.13.1. Attached is the image.
  4. App Tyrant

    icns Machine Released on the Mac App Store

    Hello MacRumors! Today I have released icns Machine on the Mac App Store. icns Machine allows you to generate icns files using either a single image source or multiple image sources. The app also lets you choose a scaling option (options include 'Scale to Fill', 'Aspect Fit', and 'Aspect Fill')...