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el capitan 10.11.6

  1. N

    Custom boot.efi problem

    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can help me with my situation. I have a MacBook Pro (MacBookPro8,1) which I use as an external hard drive. I have it placed in Target Disk Mode and it’s connected to a Mac Pro (MacPro1,1). I’m running macOS 10.11.6 (El Capitan) using Pike’s Macosxbootloader...
  2. blockbuster74

    Barcode Scanner El Capitan 10.11.6 not Plug&Play

    Recently got problems with USB Barcode scanners and El Capitan 10.11.6 Normally USB barcode scanners are Plug and Play but in combination with the mentioned OS it is not working. Read about Apple changed something in the HID drivers.....