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  1. Z

    design elements to create a striking feeling

    The small white lightnings (pointed by the red arrows) are used to show that the title is "a striking one". What other elements -other than lightnings- can i use to souround a title in order to give this striking feeling? I hop im explaining this correctly to give the idea of what im looking for. :)
  2. Z

    what are they called?

    Im stuck on what the arrowed elements in this newspaper layout are called... can anybody help?
  3. obyjake

    where to get free photoshop elements brushes ?

    Hi and happy new year, hope I am in the right place, if not go easy on me and direct me, please, thanks Really need to know of any free brush download sites, scrolls for one. All I seem to keep getting is sites asking me to join for a monthly fee... Thanks in advance