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  1. R

    Part 2 - Elgato EyeTV 250-Plus replacement? now have a DTA box

    Part 2 - Elgato EyeTV 250-Plus replacement? now have a DTA box I kicked off this thread, it appears, 27 March 2015. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive many replies, and any new solutions. At...
  2. Canubis

    What's the status of DVB-S2 receivers for Mac?

    I know streaming over the net is the (not so) new hip thing these days and while also having subscriptions at Netflix and Prime I occasionally like to watch TV. I've been using a DVB-T usb stick together with EyeTV (formerly by Elgato, now owned by Geniatech) for years and it was a great...
  3. A

    HDMI Capture

    Let me open with saying I know just enough to be dangerous. I currently capture video from my cable box through an old "Elgato HD" box and their EyeTV software. the output is loaded onto my ipad for travelling and off wifi viewing. The hardware piece is showing it's age as the micro USB...
  4. chrisb7

    EyeTV Program guide / To Be Announced

    I've got a UK subscription to GraceNote recently taken out with Elgato. The vast majority of programs and not simply showing 'To be announced'. Tried contacting both Elgato and geniatech (new owners of EyeTV) last Wednesday but not had a reply from either. Anyone else have the same issue...
  5. T

    Use "surveillance HD" for EyeTV Storage?

    Hi, I use an EyeTV unit on my Mac to record and watch shows using an OTA antenna. I have an external drive where I store the video. I also use a partition on that drive for my time machine backups. Time to upgrade the drive. My search turned up "surveillance hard drives" which seem to be...