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  1. M

    Computer wont start, apple support claims I need to supply filevault recovery password. Is this correct?

    The computer wouldnt turn on so I turned it in to support. They have gotten my user password, but claims they need a filevault specific password. I assume they mean the recover key. I have no recollection of writing that down. Is it really true that they can't recover the data using my user...
  2. spaceguns

    APFS system volume recovery after Macbook Air logic board failure

    I only have partial information, and do not 100% know the exact OSx version or how full the drive was, but I think it was pretty topped out. No recent backups, important data, and I have already put the fear of god into them regarding backups so this doesn't happen again. They have a several...
  3. Antanast

    Filevault - Running for days

    Hi everyone. I enabled Filevault for my main drive (SSD) and the two HDDs connected (1TB each). After running for a few hours, I wanted to restart the system. The screen went off, but the system has been "restarting" for more than 2 days. I can hear the 2 HDDs, working non-stop which probably...
  4. fbx1989

    FileVault2 and Carbon Copy Cloner

    When CCC clones a Filevault2 encrypted drive is the clone also encrypted? And would it be encrypted if copied (cloned) back to a different computer?