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graphic design software

  1. mansplains

    Adobe to Acquire Figma

    Bad news? It's been a few days, but Fridays are where news goes to die. I wondered how many Figma users lurk around MR, and general thoughts. I personally have been off of the Adobe wagon for quite some time, using Figma and Affinity. However, Adobe crawls from the shadows from time to time for...
  2. J

    Graphic Design

    Hello everyone, What apple products would you most recommend for a graphic design student? Thanks :apple::)
  3. App Tyrant

    icns Machine Released on the Mac App Store

    Hello MacRumors! Today I have released icns Machine on the Mac App Store. icns Machine allows you to generate icns files using either a single image source or multiple image sources. The app also lets you choose a scaling option (options include 'Scale to Fill', 'Aspect Fit', and 'Aspect Fill')...