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hard disk drive

  1. M

    Spotlight searches limited to external drives

    Whatever I do, Spotlight won't search my internal drive. It has no problem searching into any of my externals, but there is no results at all coming from the internal. Wether I specify to look only within Macintosh HD, or don't specify a location to look into at all, none of my files located on...
  2. LeoI07

    Resolved How to fix an external hard drive partition?

    I have this 12 TB external hard disk drive with the main partition being an 11 TB exFAT partition. The thing is, this partition is somehow broken, and when it gets mounted macOS will often display an error saying "macOS can't repair the disk" and that I should back up all the files on it; macOS...
  3. M

    Mac HD Slowed and now poss last breath.

    2011 max pro. 13 inch. Upgraded to 16gb ram. On its 3rd HD NOW. Not sure what OS. Possibly Sierra. This mac is a beast. And I fully accept this now 4/5 year old HD is on its way out. Thankfully I have all my main files backed up to a solid state external. The mac has been getting so slow that...
  4. Moorgan

    MP 1,1-5,1 Any ideas on how I might connect my new 8TB HDD to my 2008 Mac Pro?

    My backup/TM drive failed a while ago so I got this one to replace it. The only problem is that 2 (in 4) of the holes for the screws to mount it internally are in the wrong place. I thought about returning it, but I checked and it’s like that for every single HDD of this size or larger. I guess...
  5. H

    Max drive size on G3 iBook with mSata adapter

    I am in the process of refurbishing a 900MHz G3 iBook. Unfortunately (and expectedly) the hard drive is dead. My main use for the machine will be making lossless CD rips, so I'd ideally like to add a large 512GB drive using an IDE -> mSATA adapter. Due to the lack of ALAC/FLAC support under OS9...
  6. Z

    Storing valuable data for the longest

    What would be the best way (and longest) one could store his valuable data? Like for eg. old videos from childhood etc. I was thinking to buy a spinner and just put them there. Never need to work the spinner, just have a dedicated hdd without operating it. Would that last the longest? What would...