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  1. circatee

    Highlight something on an image

    Honestly, am probably overthinking this. With Preview or another app on macOS, how do I merely highlight text or something on the image? I thought I could do something like this with Preview, no? Example, I want to email someone an image and simply highlight something on the image. PS: still...
  2. M

    Preview bug with PDF files

    Hi everyone, does someone have the same issue I am experiencing with PDF files? The selection and highlighting of the text is totally random and messed up. With small PDF files it seems to be ok but with large PDF is a mess. Same issue with Mojave and High Sierra on two different machines, both...
  3. A

    How do I highlight text in Kindle 1.21!?

    I find this so frustrating that I can't find this anywhere else. But just how do I highlight text in Kindle app? Sure I can double click on a word and choose to highlight or add a note but that's all it does for me, just highlight a word. I need to highlight a complete sentence and there is no...
  4. Sovon Halder

    Finder back button with last position.

    In icon view or list view if I go back(button or CMD+[), it lands on the previously viewed folder. I remember in Windows there is this option that took me directly to the enclosing folder with the item selected (just like CMD+ up arrow). Brief research shows that this was like that until El...
  5. NoHardFeelings

    [Poll] Highlight colors in Preview and iBooks

    I find the Preview version too dark to read, but after filing a bug report to Apple, they refused to consider changing the highlight colors for Preview. Which one do you prefer?
  6. ArisHorizon

    Folder label highlighted???

    Hello ! The labels of my folders are highlighted but I haven’t changed anything and I can’t understand why and how to fix it. Any ideas ?
  7. M

    Preview deleted/ate/hidden ALL of the text in my PDF!?

    After annotating a 200+ page PDF for hours upon hours... I opened it today to discover ALL of the text is missing. The pictures are there, highlights, charts, but all of the text is missing. It is not invisible. It is missing. You cannot even select it. The annotations I made were mostly...
  8. A

    Highlighting text in Mac Mail?

    Hi does anyone know a quick and simple way to highlight a text in yellow in mac mail? I can't seem to be able to do it! Argh!! please help