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  1. pipetogrep

    You are cordially invited to visit a PowerPC centric hotline server

    Hi PowerPC Peeps, I set up a Hotline server over the weekend. I only learned about Hotline recently. It existed in the late 90s and early 00s and was a great combination of Instant messaging, news groups, chat rooms, and file downloads. It's decentralized, the servers are found via "trackers"...
  2. M

    Hotline Anyone?

    Is anyone interested in using Hotline ? Chris stood up a Hotline server which can be reached using the Hotline client for ppc in our research for the next podcast episode. If anyone is interested , the server is called "pipetogrep". Its a place to chat , post news and more!
  3. B

    Modern Hotline client

    We brought Hotline client into Macports: Judging by build bots, on Apple M it will not build, but on most of x86_64 versions of macOS and on PPC (at least ppc32, I have not tested on ppc64 yet) it works. There are minor glitches on PPC, but it...
  4. RumorzGuy

    Look for Some Old Hotline Apps

    Hello, I am looking for three old Macintosh programs which were used with the now-defunct Hotline Communications Ltd. network. I would like to add them to my small collection of Hotline software, which forms a part of my "software museum" on my Hotline server. The following items have been...