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  1. Morac

    Messages lost its photo index

    Last night I was going through the Messages app on my iPhone, iPad and Macbook Air (M1) and found that even though iCloud syncing was enabled, there were several threads that showed up on some devices, but not others. I determined these were threads I had deleted, but somehow the delete didn’t...
  2. iamaydo

    Links don't appear in macOS Messages search & intermittent indexing message

    I've had an ongoing issue with macOS Messages app that I can't seem to figure out and hoping someone can help in some way. I currently have a 13" M1 MacBook Pro 16 GB RAM running macOS 11.5.1 however the issues with Messages began in Catalina—if I recall correctly—with a 2019 16" MacBook Pro...
  3. F

    Indexing /Users/Shared with Spotlight

    Hi! Anyone know if there's a way to force Spotlight to index the contents of the /Users/Shared folder? I tried sudo mdutil -i on /Users/Shared but that didn't work. I also tried adding and removing the folder to the Spotlight Privacy exclusion list in System Settings. Didn't work either.
  4. A

    Apps Commodity Index Complication

    I work in oil & gas and the price of oil is something we obsess over. Is there an app that offers the ability to add a commodity index complication to the watch face? I've checked a wide number of apps to no avail... Example: Index Units Price CL1:COM WTI Crude Oil (Nymex)
  5. A

    Commodity Index Complication?

    I work in oil & gas and the price of oil is something we obsess over. Is there an app that offers the ability to add a commodity index complication to the watch face? I've checked a wide number of apps to no avail... Index Units Price CL1:COM WTI Crude Oil (Nymex)
  6. dombarnard

    Apple TV computer streaming speed

    I have a 2nd Gen Apple TV, 2013 Macbook Pro and 2013 iMac. Streaming movies to ATV from my iTunes library is very quick from MacBook Pro when movies are imported to the internal SSD. I am intending to rip my entire collection onto an external HDD connected to the iMac via usb 3.0, index them...