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intel i5

  1. Y

    Sketchy Bar configuration

    I installed an app called Sketchy Bar on my computer, and I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get the configuration shown in this picture, taken straight from the Sketchy Bar GitHub page. What commands should I put in, what colors to use, ect.
  2. Rilind Krasniqi

    Help me decide which i5 iMac to go with - for software development

    Hey guys, A bit about my needs, I am a software developer building mainly web applications but nothing too heavy. I do not play video games or do anything graphic intensive besides maybe the odd video editing on iMovie but really amateur stuff just for fun. I just ordered a new iMac 27 Retina...
  3. CarlosI

    Dual core i5 vs quad-core Core i5

    I have a mid 2011 iMac with a 2.5 ghz quad-core Intel Core i5... Looking to buy a new one to replace my loyal 2011 I find the new iMacs come with a 2.3GHz dual‑core Intel Core i5. I know there are faster ones but bottom end to bottom end would it be possible that my current processor is faster...