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invisible files

  1. D

    Hide Certain File Types

    I'm trying to hide certain file types within my movie and tv folders, on my external hard drive. I have a WDTV and it automatically downloads movie and tv info into 2 files per item; 1 .xml and 1 .metathumb. It's fine when the drive is plugged into the WDTV but when it's plugged into the Mac...
  2. K

    How to reveal individual invisible files/folders in Mavericks?

    After a recent forced reboot, all the files and folders on my desktop were rendered invisible. (I should say desktops, since I’ve been using iDesktop, which creates multiple virtual desktops.) I was able to make them visible again using Terminal, but unfortunately that makes every hidden file...
  3. H

    Files Invisible in Mac Finder but not Windows

    Hi, I'm new to the forum here. and i am having an issue that is starting to occur more and more over the last few days. With the Macs, InDesign files are created and edited on a day to day basis and some times when one of these files gets saved it will then become invisible on the Mac but...